KNRTU at WorldSkills: 200 volunteers, hospitable deans and half of all Tatarstan’s medals!
On August 28, 2019, the students of KNRTU were invited to the «Thank You Volunteers party» ceremony.
On August 28, 2019, the students of KNRTU were invited to the «Thank You Volunteers party» ceremony. There were about 200 people at the 45-th WorldSkillsCompetition who helped as volunteers at the positions of the Kazan-Expo guides, transport logistics administrators, competition areaassistants and solemn ceremonies entertainers. The president of WorldSkills thanked all the volunteers and appreciated their involvement into the organization of this global event.
A significant contribution to the World Championship in Professional Skills organization was also made by many deans and staff of KNRTU who took an active part in the hospitality program within the framework of the Summit of the ministers responsible for vocational education and training in their countries. In one of the interview aired by the TV channel “Russia-1” the representative of the Education Ministry of Australia, which was greeted and accompanied by the staff of the International Affairs of our University, sincerely thanked his new friends from KNITU for the warm welcome.
The national team of Russia showed a remarkable result at the championship, having won 22 awards and finished second in the overall medal standings. At the championship, KNRTU was represented by 4 participants: Nikita Baryshev (Kazan Technical College), Evelina Altunyan (Faculty of Design and Software Engineering), Oscar Arslanov and Emil Miftakhov (Kazan inter-University Engineering Center). The professor of the Department of Wood Materials Processing Enzhe Khairullina joined the international certified experts.
It’s gratifying that all the representatives of our university performed brilliantly, having replenished the treasury of Russian team’s awards and won half of all medals of participants from Tatarstan. Nikita Baryshev from Kazan Technological College KNRTU won a golden medal in the competence of future “Industrial Design”.
Oscar Arslanov and Emil Miftakhov, the sophomores of KNRTU studying the course of Informational Safety and training on base of “Interregional Competence Center- Kazan Technical School of InformationTechnologies and Communication” won bronze in the competence “Mobile Robotics”. Their task was to assemble a robot,which then had to drive on a pre-prepared site with obstacles.
The student of the Faculty of Design and Software Engineering of KNRTU Evelina Altunyan represented Russia in competence “Fashion Technology”. According to the competitive task Evelinadesignedwinter coat and dress using the techniqueof fashion draping complex shapes- from sketch to manufactory. As a result of intense competitive work she received a medallion for professionalism.
Rector Sergey Yushko:
“The participation of KNRTU at WorldSkills is the result of our University’s many years of work in promoting young professionals. In just a few years our University has become one of the leaders in the country in several competences at once. I express my gratitude to all the representatives of KNRTU, who was standing at the origins and involved in this event: participants, experts, professors, who trained our students, volunteers and, of course, members of staff responsible for the organization of competitions at the University, republican, national, European and world levels. Without your skill, enthusiasm and dedication, without love and creative attitude to your profession, our current achievements would be impossible."
Источник: Управление международной деятельности
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