KNRTU at the working meeting of ERASMUS+ ENTER project participants in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Another working meeting of ERASMUS+ ENTER European Union project participants was held in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University from 18 to 21 of September.

Another working meeting of ERASMUS+ ENTER European Union project participants was held in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University from 18 to 21 of September.

The project is generally aimed at the development of partner countries engineering education potential on the basis of Bologna principles for dealing with the challenges in rapidly changing modern socio-economic realities. The objectiveof the project includes the development of a milti-level modular curriculum “Innovative Pedagogics for Engineering Technologies” (iPET) based on the international networking cooperation.
The universities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Europe are involved in the creation of the international training program for the engineering universities professors.
At the meeting KNRTU was represented by the director of continuous education centre, professor Mansur Galikhanov, the head of Engineering Pedagogics and Psychology Department, professor Farida Shageyeva, the director of online education centre, docent Liliya Miphtakhutdinova, Associate Professor of the Technology of Products from Pyrotechnic and Composite Materials Department Dilyara Erova.
Within the meeting there were discussed the project’s currently important aspects, including the effective dissemination of the ENTER project, criteria for assessing the quality of training on iPET programs, approval of the structure of modules, as well as a list of disciplines, forming competencies of the multi-level modular curriculum “Innovative Pedagogics for Engineering Technologies”.
On the final day of collaborative work, the tasks of continuing the work within the framework of the ENTER project were distributed among partner universities.

Источник: KNRTU

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