Gold of WorldSkills is in the KNRTU treasury

Nikita Baryshev from Kazan Technological College won the 45-th WorldSkillsCompetition golden medal in competence of future “Industrial Design”.

Nikita Baryshev from Kazan Technological College won the 45-th WorldSkillsCompetition golden medal in competence of future “Industrial Design”.

As Nikita explained, the participants of the competition in the framework of the competitive task created a multifunctional charging station for the office with the voice-control ability (on the principle of "smart home"). The process took place in several stages and involved the creation of sketches, 3D models and a video on the object, which had to be presented to experts.

Nikita has been in WorldSkills since 2016. He has repeatedly participated in regional and national finals of the competitions. "The most important skill that I have acquired is the ability to abstract from everything quickly to get together and make a quality project from scratch in a short time," the winner admitted.

The competence "Industrial Design" is presented at the world championship for the first time. Prior to this, the competition was held only in the national stages. KNRTU Technology College has been participating in this competence since 2017, being a platform for regional competitions and a base for training participants.

Источник: Управление международной деятельности

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